What to Know About the Classroom Culture in Spain

What to Know About the Classroom Culture in Spain
3 min read
Posted April 21, 2017

¡Hola saludos! My name is Jackson and I will be sharing about the classroom culture of Spain and what it’s like for your first couple weeks to a month studying abroad in Spain. I’ve been studying in Extremadura, Spain, for two months now and I’d 100% recommend it. From my first days with my host-family to school, I’ve felt accepted and a part of the life here even if I haven’t understood everything being said. 

Changes in the Classroom

You should not feel nervous to ask questions when you don’t understand the teacher or something you’re studying in class. It’s totally normal to feel nervous, but the teachers will be more than willing to help you. What you shouldn’t do is not say anything until you’re studying for the exams and you don’t understand the material.

school in spain
An example of a high school in Spain.

School Exams

Although there isn’t as much homework here, the exams are more serious and you definitely need to study for them. No homework means you find yourself with free time in the afternoon (after your siesta of course), so you shouldn’t just watch Netflix. What helps me the most is studying. If you’re tired of studying, try talking with your host-family in Spanish, or just spend time with them.

Class Schedule

Another thing that is different here, but also great, is the class schedule. At my school we have six classes a day, and every day the schedule of the classes changes. This is great because you aren’t just doing the same thing over and over again, even though it’s the same subject. The classes in my school are forty-five minutes each, and after two classes we have a break for twenty-five minutes. Two more classes follow before another break. Finally, there are two more classes and then school’s finished.

Greenheart Travel student alumni enjoy their first Spanish dinner in Madrid.

Advice for Your First Day of School

One thing that was hard for me the first day of school was worrying about being accepted, but my nerves were killed very soon by smiling faces and everyone wanting to talk to me. Some advice I have is just be yourself and speak as much Spanish as you can. If you don’t understand what people are saying, don’t act like you do because you won’t ever learn like that. Don’t be alarmed if people want to talk with you in English. A lot of people here like English and want to use English in a career. So, another good way to make friends and get better at Spanish is to talk with people in both languages.

Well, I hope that my words will push you into a more comfortable zone about leaving your country and living in a totally new place and whole new lifestyle. If you have the opportunity to live in Spain, or travel abroad, I would say go for it!

P.S. Fiestas in school may happen! 

Are you ready for a change in your school environment? Study abroad!

One response to “What to Know About the Classroom Culture in Spain”

  1. this article shows the day of what its like to go a full day at school speaking spanish to your friends and going go your classes. also having a great succsesful day at school.

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