In Spain everything is made homemade. I experienced this first hand when my family bought a pig, had it butchered, cleaned, and packaged right at their house! First, their friend butchered the pig and separated it into different parts. Some of them were ready to eat right away in pork chops and ribs, but others took a long long time. The day started around 8 am and we did not finish everything until 7 at night! After the left over parts were separated, they were then put into a meat grinder and divided between different types of sausages, such as chorizo, salchichon, sobrasada, blood sausage and morchilla. Each type had specific things adding to give distinct flavors like salt, garlic, spices, herbs, onions, potatoes and rice. Inside of using a spoon like you would think someone would use to mix it all, we used our hands. At one point I actually thought I was going to vomit when mixing the blood into the sausage. After this was done, we used a machine to fill small little tubs and some of the pigs clean intestines with the sausages. I for one love animals so this was a very hard for me, but I am in Spain so I decided to give it a try! Was it a good experience… yes. Will I do it again… hopefully not! I’m not really sure if I’ll ever be able to eat sausage again but now if I ever will need to in my life, I know how kill and cook a pig.
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