As part of our ongoing student spotlight series, all of us at Greenheart Travel are thrilled to introduce our featured high school abroad student, Rachel Anderson! Read a little bit about Rachel and her reasons for studying in Germany!
Name, Age & Home:
I am Rachel Anderson, and I am travelling to study abroad in Bremen, Germany. I am from Bellingham, Washington and I am 17 years old.
Favorite thing to do in your free time?
Laughter and adventure are what I live for. Anything which includes those two things intrigues me. Through many years of living in Bellingham, I have grown to love the outdoors, whether its backpacking, running, swimming, hiking, skiing, walking, etc.
What do you think you will miss the most from home?
One of the biggest things I will miss about Bellingham is the people. I have created friends I know I will carry throughout a lifetime, and I have an amazing family.
What got you interested in studying abroad?
I chose to go to Germany because I believe that a huge part of education is learning about where you fit into the world. Germany offers a beautiful scenery, a wonderful second family, and exciting new possibilities.
What do you hope you will learn during your time abroad?
Through travel, I hope to gain independence, strength, new connections and a new appreciation for life. I could not be more grateful for such a wonderful opportunity, and I am excited to watch it unfold.
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