Announcing our newest program option, studying abroad at an international high school for just the summer! Some countries go to school all year round, or are in the Southern Hemisphere and therefore take summer break at the opposite time as we do here in the USA/Canada. If you don’t want to miss any of your regular school year, here is your chance to study abroad for 1-2 months during your summer vacation! All programs are structured and include the same programming as our regular High School study abroad programs, so you will live with a host family and attend a local high school.
Study Abroad in Costa Rica
- 1-month program:
- May 30-June 27, or July 25- August 22
- 2-month program:
- May 30-July 25* or July 25-September 19
Placement locations: San Ramon, Palmares, or Zarcero
Deadline to apply: March 15
- 1-month program: $5,730
- 2-month program: $6,980
Study Abroad in Argentina
- 1-month program
- July 23 – August 20
- 2-month program
- July 23 – September 17
Locations: Rosario, Santa Fe, Buenos Aires province OR Mendoza
Deadline to apply: March 15
- 1-month program: $7,810
- 2-month program: $8,760
Study Abroad in New Zealand
- 1 month program options:
- June 5-July 3 or July 20- August 15
- 2-month program
- June 5-August 15* or July 20-September 12
Location: Rotorua, NZ
Deadline to apply: March 15
- 1-month program: $7,950
- 2-month program: $9,860
Study Abroad in Australia
- 1 month program options:
- May 30 – July 5 or July 17- August 15, 2020
- 2-month program
- July 17- September 13, 2020
Location: South Australia
Deadline to apply: March 15
- 1-month program: $9,260
- 2-month program: $11,010
Study Abroad in Austria
- 1 month program options:
- May 30 – June 28, 2020
Location: Vienna
Deadline to apply: March 15
- 1-Month Program: $7,170
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