Emily Balamut, one of our newest teachers in South Korea, shares, in her words, the all-you-should-know-about-my-decision to teach English in Korea spiel from her blog titled, “Emily Teaches in Korea”.
First things first. My interest in South Korea stems from getting really into KDramas and KPop, or for all you non-in-the-know people, Korean Dramas and Korean Pop music. I mean, I got REALLY into KDramas. So much so, that I convinced myself to start learning the language…
After learning the alphabet, I kept getting more and more excited about the prospect of using it in day to day life. With the combination of watching all the KDramas and learning the basis of the language, I realized I needed to go to Korea. It felt like the next step. But just visiting Korea didn’t feel like enough…
Something you should know about me is that I’ve never really stepped out of my comfort zone…
Read more about how Korean dramas and K-pop music ultimately led Emily to pursuing the opportunity to teach abroad in South Korea!
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