From Homeschool to High School Abroad

From Homeschool to High School Abroad
2 min read
Posted September 29, 2016

Students who choose to study abroad in high school experience many positive and well researched benefits. They will gain independence, confidence, hone their language skills, and gain lifelong friendships. It can be intimidating to imagine leaving your comfort zone, but our students tell us over and again how glad they are to have taken this leap!

From this program I learned a language, traveled to beautiful and historic sites, made great relationships, and really expanded my comfort zone. I feel more prepared for college and making friends after having to do it in a foreign country and language.

– High School Abroad Student

High School Study Abroad student, Clayton, with his host family in Australia.

We are SO excited to have a growing number of homeschool students enrolling for our high school programs. I am glad to see this, and not only because I am a homeschool mom myself, but because what better complement to a homeschool experience can there be but to study abroad!? Who knows better than a homeschool student, how much there is to be learned when you are free from the confines of a traditional school experience?

Contrary to popular belief, homeschoolers are not shut-ins, they are engaged participants in the real world who can easily relate to someone outside their grade level. Homeschool students tend to be very self-sufficient and independent. They understand that they are responsible in large part for their own learning. These are all qualities that can be very helpful in being a successful exchange student.

High school students dressed in kimonos in Japan.

Of course our students do attend school during the program, but especially in countries where the instruction is in another language, you are not expected to perform at the same level as the local students. So, the school component is more about the over-all experience of living the day-to-day life of a teenager in that country.

One of my favorite homeschool terms is life learning – which to me means personalized, active and interest-led learning from life. High school abroad is one of the best life learning experiences you can find! I definitely hope my own kids study abroad when they are high school age, and I can’t wait for them to discover the world!

24 responses to “From Homeschool to High School Abroad”

  1. Hello my name is Linnea Reck Beauchamp!

    I am currently going into 10th grade and I am thinking about being a foreign exchange student next year for 11th grade. I would like to go to Germany. I have no idea how applying to be a foreign exchange student works; like finding a program, host family, etc. I am home schooled and have been for 3 years. The thing is, if I stay doing home schooled all throughout high school, I get a scholarship from my school. Can I be home schooled in Germany? What I do on my computer here in America, could I do the same thing just in another country? Or do I absolutely have to attend a public highschool?

    Thanks so much,
    Linnea Reck

  2. Hi, my name is Ava.
    I’m in eighth grade going into ninth and I’ve wanted to do go on exchange since I was nine, so I’ve been talking to my parents about it for a long time and they think I should do it in my sophomore or Junior year but I’m homeschooled
    And I’ve heard most programs require you to go to a real school, with this program can I still do an exchange year even if I’m homeschooled?

    • Also whenever it says you need a certain amount of language instruction does it have to be instruction from a teacher or tutor or can it just be self study? And do you have to take a placement test?

      • Hi Ava,
        It depends on what country you are interested in going to. Some do have a placement test to make sure you are at an appropriate language level. Partner organizations prefer that you have a tutor/teacher to write you a letter of recommendation, but we always encourage additional self-study!

    • Hi Ava!
      Some programs do take homeschooled students. We recommend scheduling a call to discuss your interests and potential opportunities to travel with Greenheart! (link found on the program page you are interested in).

  3. Hi! So I used to go to public school and near the end of 2019 I became a homeschool student, I would really want to go to Australia for my senior year and learn at a high-school, but I have no idea if I can or if thats impossible. It would be really nice if I could aha.

    • If I have a host family that I know already would I go to the same school as the other student id be living with or would I have to go to a different school?

      • Hi Lily,
        This depends on the country as well as host school availability. Some host schools do not take international students, unfortunately. Although we can sometimes help coordinate direct placements on a case-by-case basis, they may not always work out due to availability of host schools.

  4. If I have a host family that I know already would I go to the same school as the other student id be living with or would I have to go to a different school?

    • We accept direct placements on a case-by case basis. It depends on the availability of local support in the region of your preferred host family.

  5. Hello! I am from the United States and have been homeschooled in ninth grade, and am starting my 10th grade year also homeschooled. I have just begun considering going into a Japanese Highschool in 11th grade. How exactly would I go about that? Is it possible to get into a Japanese highschool after being homeschooled?

  6. Hello! I am in eighth grade and I want to study abroad in Germany when I am old enough. But I have been homeschooled for the past 2 years and I was wondering if I can still be accepted into a public high school in Germany?

    • Hi Stella,
      Every home school program is different, so we recommend scheduling a call with a staff member to further understand your circumstances. All of our partner organizations require students to have some type of transcript, so do keep that in mind.

  7. Hi! My name is Hope, I am in 8th grade and am considering doing a program in Finland in 10th or 11th grade. I have been homeschooled my entire life. Could I still be accepted in Finland despite of that?

  8. What if I’m homeschooled for 3 years and I want to travel to Korea public school or homeschooled an I don’t know Korean?

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