by Eve Corbett, Greenheart Travel high school student in Japan
The end of the school year is always a bitter-sweet time. While both students and teachers are looking forward to the quickly approaching break, everyone must say farewell to those graduating. Moving on to this next chapter in one’s life can be both exciting and scary, but either way the memories from high school will not be forgotten.
Graduation is indeed a difficult but exhilarating time for all….although I suppose everyone back in The United States is not thinking about the end of the school year just yet. You may be wondering why I am bringing it up now, when there are still at least three whole months of the school year left. Well that may be so in The United States, but it is not so here in Japan.
In Japan, the school year ends with the winter and starts with the spring. There are many parts of the Japanese end of the school year that are similar to the American one, but not everything.
Read on to learn more about high school graduation in Japan on Eve’s blog post.
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